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Workman’s Compensation & Acupuncture

Posted on June 28, 2016

In the state of California, injured workers have the right to receive authorization for acupuncture for pain conditions.  At least 6 visits are best authorized for your initial acupuncture trial.  During this time, it is best to have acupuncture 2-3 per week.  Once a week will usually decrease pain for work injuries/surgeries that are causing constant, disabling pain.  Acupuncture has a cumulative effect, when the visits are closer together a great effect is produced.

Sometimes for inflammatory pain conditions (not including RA, lupus, or post-surgical pain) , the first couple of times there may be an increase in pain during the first 12-24 hours after acupuncture.

Do not drink caffeine prior to acupuncture for pain management.  Caffeine reduces the pain relieving effect of acupuncture (research finding).

Acupuncture needles should remain in place for at least 20 minutes.

Make sure you go to a reputable acupuncturist.  It’s best to go to one who is in private practice.  If you feel better after 6 visits the acupuncturist can request more visits.  This is another reason to make sure you find an acupuncturist you are comfortable with.  You only get one shot at acupuncture in the CA work comp program.  Most injured workers do not start acupuncture therapy until a year or more after their date of injury.  The longer you’ve been experiencing pain and the severity of the pain will determine how many acupuncture visits you will need.  The initial 6 visits will not decrease your pain completely, it will decrease the frequency or intensity of your pain, it may increase your range of motion, give you a better night’s sleep, or decrease your need for pharmaceutical pain medication.  Once you have such results you may be authorized for more acupuncture visits.  Acupuncture is often a last resort for injured workers, it is best if we prescribe it earlier or for patients to be informed and request acupuncture earlier to decrease pain.

Tags: work injury